HOWDY! This is a platform for me to express myself. To bare my thoughts, emotions and life stories. Leaving bite-size pieces of me before I go. I graciously invite you to comment, swap stories and thoughts. Please post your comment or get in touch with me here.
jailhouse rock*Many thanks to Consuela for nominating me as a "Rockin' Girl Blogger". This is very humbling considering (i) I've long gone past the "Girl" age group (ii) I don't do any rock - jailhouse, rock n roll, hard rock or even mat rock. Heh. So as I said, I am shocked speechless with this nomination. So thanks very much, my dear Hawaiian Rockin' Girl. (I'd also like to thank my mother, my stalking cat Smokey...)And as the ruling states, I have to nominate 5 others to pass my (i) Visithra (ii) Cupcake Queen (iii) Metria (iv) Banu (v) Lex Girls, what you have to do is to copy the badge above (just the badge) and wear it on your site with pride and nominate 5 others. July 21, 2007 // anjali* pranced on tip-toes all over the keyboard at 10:02 pm | |