HOWDY! This is a platform for me to express myself. To bare my thoughts, emotions and life stories. Leaving bite-size pieces of me before I go. I graciously invite you to comment, swap stories and thoughts. Please post your comment or get in touch with me here.
a proud mother boasts...*Well, what can I say, my Genius son has done it again! He birthed the idea of recording a song in multi-artists format, whereby it involves artists of various genre, various communities as a united contribution to national unity. The song is called "Here In My Home" and below is the video.o For more info on the project or to download the mp3 or to download the video, click here. *131*95910# - for ringtone 1 Now, go spread the word too! Smug,A proud mum May 31, 2008 // anjali* pranced on tip-toes all over the keyboard at 4:25 pm | |